Detached Garage Construction With Living Space Above the Parking Area

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Detached garage construction in Indiana can be done with the intention of adding living space above the area where vehicles will be parked. People use these spaces for a broad range of purposes. Examples include having a spare bedroom or a craft room, or renting out a studio apartment.

Accessory Dwelling Units

Commonly called a mother-in-law apartment or suite, a rental dwelling on the same property as an original single-family home is technically known as an accessory dwelling unit. This can be part of garage construction in Indiana when regulations allow it. Mother-in-law units without rent payment can also be built for a family member or close to move into and live for free.

Relevant Regulations

If the property owners want to rent the living space above the structure, they must make sure there are no regulations against this in their municipality or township. If the area will be used as a guest room, home office or another purpose that does not directly generate revenue, this usually is not a problem.

Potential zoning issues can be learned about with a phone call to the appropriate agency. A building permit will be required.


Research has found that these units do not reduce property values in the neighborhood, which sometimes is voiced as a concern. They also help elderly men and women avoid moving to assisted living when they can live with family in this manner. A detached structure with living space above can be built by the contractor Indiana Garage Guy, a company offering information. For more information contact Garage Guys of Indiana Inc.

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