Spider Control Treatment in Fairfax, VA Eliminates Infestations in Vehicles

by | Feb 19, 2018 | Pest Control

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Many kinds of spiders that dwell in Virginia bite people if provoked, but only two are poisonous enough to cause a need for medical treatment. Spider Control Treatment in Fairfax VA is advisable when residents of a household fear that poisonous or other biting spiders are lurking in their home or vehicles.

Poisonous Spiders

Black widow spiders are native to this region. Brown recluse spiders are sometimes unintentionally carried in with travelers’ luggage, grocery produce, and items transported from other states. These two species cause the most concern because their bites can make people sick. Spider Control Treatment in Fairfax VA is recommended when these bugs take up residence on a property.

Spiders in Vehicles

Practically everyone who owns a car has encountered a spider in the vehicle at some point. Vehicle owners quickly learn not to leave windows down overnight, but that doesn’t stop the critters from sneaking in through tiny crevices. Even when the spider’s venom is generally not considered particularly toxic, bites can still be painful and cause redness and swelling. Some individuals are allergic to spider venom that is harmless to most people.

Uncommon Occurrences

Spider bites are relatively rare, especially when compared to bites and stings from other bugs like mosquitoes, wasps, hornets, and certain types of beetles. Poisonous spider bites are even less common. Nevertheless, when someone has reason to suspect the presence of biting spiders in the home or car, professional Spider Control Treatment in Fairfax VA can rid the location of those arachnids.

Vehicle Fumigation

Fumigating a vehicle is possible, although the pesticide leaves a certain amount of toxin behind. If the owners want this work done by a company such as Pest Management Services in Fairfax VA, they can also have the car professionally cleaned afterward to rid it of the pesticide residue. This may be the only option if a brown recluse or other biting spider is hiding in a tiny space somewhere inside.

After this process is complete, vehicle owners can prevent further spider infestations by taking specific steps. It’s best not to eat in the car since that can leave crumbs behind. Parking on concrete instead of grass or dirt is recommended as well. Visit website for more information.

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